
My Surf Blog: Learning to be a Surfer in Los Angeles...

A woman's trials and tribulations of learning to surf in Los Angeles

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Rained Out!

No surfing today due to the rain yesterday. Spring is here now so maybe this means consecutive sunny, surfable mornings and weekends from now on... and occassional trips to San Onofre, of course! Woohoo!

In between my meetings and spreadsheets at work today, I spent my free time thinking about my trip to Costa Rica. Where to go, how to get there, lodging, car rental, surf shops, etc... So, I've decided not to bring my surfboard to Costa Rica to avoid the oversized luggage fee. American Airlines is charging $80 each way for transporting 1 surfboard - which equals $160 that I can spend on other things like lodging, food, beer (;-P), and some excursions. And I don't think we'll be renting a car for our trip out to Tamarindo from San Jose airport either. We'll take the bus, maybe. I'll have to check around with people about the car rental thing. This will save on cost too... I'll have to bring my board next time and take a different airline that charges less for transporting surfboards...

Oh, and I heard that there are HUGE mosquitoes there, and that I'll get eaten alive no matter what. Man o man, I'm allergic to mosquito bites! I hope I don't come back with my body swollen and scarred from the bites.... I'm bracing myself. :-[

The surf is supposed to be tiny through the weekend. Good news for beginners like me. I'm contemplating whether to go out in the potentially bacteria-filled ocean water in the morning. If it doesn't rain tonight, maybe I'll do a drive by at Sunset at dawn and see if anyone is out. I'll go in if someone is out.


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